Learning to fly an airplane light-sport aircraft has never been easier, thanks to Paul Hamilton’s new Learn to Fly an Airplane LSA Course. It's everything you need to earn your Sport Pilot certificate - with ground school, test prep, and real-world training videos - all in one easy-to-use package.
We've got the latest content and innovative features to make our Learn to Fly an Airplane LSA Course the best training product in aviation. For the cost of a single flight lesson, Paul Hamilton's Learn to Fly an Airplane LSA Course will save you hours of time in the air and hundreds of dollars.
This course includes complete video lessons, interactive ASA test prep and lots of real world flying tips. From intro flight and ground lessons all the way to preparing you for the FAA Knowledge Test and FAA Checkride.
- 14 Online Flight Lessons.
- 14 Online Ground Lessons.
- Airplane Flying Handbook
- Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
- Sport Pilot Checkride, Fourth Edition
Learn To Fly an Airplane, Course Intro - Part 1, Flight Lessons
Learn To Fly an Airplane, Course Intro - Part 2, How the Course Works
Learn To Fly an Airplane, Course Intro - Airspace

After several emails back and forth, I followed Paul's advice to enroll in his online "Learn to Fly" course before actually taking my flying lessons.
I wasn't sure how much his course would help me as I already had passed my written test, but decided to go for it anyway. I am sure glad that I did, as it really "fleshed out" all the technical stuff that I had learned in order to pass my written test but didn't totally understand everything.
Paul's method of instruction really helped me understand why and how it all applies to flying. Plus all the hours of videos of Paul actually flying you through each flight lesson, explaining each maneuver as he's doing it, made it so much easier when I actually did do the flight lessons because I knew what to expect. I'm sure it cut down on the hours of dual instruction needed for me to grasp & retain each phase of the actual flight training.
Even if I hadn't used Paul as my CFI, his "Learn to Fly" online course would still have given me a huge head start on my actual flight training. I give it a full 5 star rating!!

FAA WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program
Earn your credits!
If you’re a member of the FAA WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program, you can earn credits after completing this online course!