Expansive Self-Study Courses
For The Individual With Dreams
Of Being a World-Class Pilot
Get started with your first class today!
We’ve made it easier than ever to get started in creating your adventurous life of a pilot. Enhance your aviation training experience by enrolling in one of our online training courses. Courses can be completed in multiple sessions, so don’t worry if you don’t have time to finish a course today – You have lifetime access!

FAA WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program
Earn your credits!
Sport Aviation Center proudly participates in the FAA WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program as a FAASTeam Industry Member and by providing WINGS-certified online training courses.
If you’re a member of the FAA WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program, you can earn credits after completing any one of our online courses!
Ground School
Online Flight School
FAA Knowledge Test Prep
Checkride Prep
Bonus Course: Rotax Engine Introduction & Updates
Single subject focused
Each course is also included in the featured courses above
Why Aviation eLearning with Paul Hamilton?
eLearning.SportAviationCenter.com is an online e-learning portal for exceptional affordable, real-world pilot training. We bring you state-of-the-art courses to serve you in realizing and creating your dreams of flying.
Would you like to try a fun, new and exciting way to learn? Then purchase one of Paul Hamilton’s Interactive eLearning Courses. Each course includes interesting graphics, videos, and educational interactions. In addition, each section within a course is accompanied by questions to help test your knowledge and reinforce important concepts.

Real World Video
I put you in the cockpit for a “pilot’s view” during your flight lessons. Unlike other courses, mine are not just slideshows and talking heads.

Save Time & Money
By reviewing the relevant subject matter before each lesson, you’ll go to your next flight lesson prepared. This will make your time with your instructor much more efficient, saving you time and money.

Access Anywhere, Any Time
These courses were designed to be used on an iPad, Android tablet device, laptop or desktop computer.

THE Most Comprehensive Courses Available
I take you beyond the book answers. My courses focus on really learning to fly and improving your flying skills…not just memorizing test questions.

Learn Faster. Improve Your Flying. It's Easy!
We deliver online classes and courses to make it easy, save you money, help you learn faster and to improve your flying not offered anywhere else online!

THE Personalized Training Experience
Minimize your time in a classroom and/or with your instructor. With my course, you can learn on your own schedule and at your own pace. It’s easy to review segments multiple times or even skip ahead.

Powerful programs help you learn using three different forms of media to support your learning style.

Built From The Ground Up For A New Way To Learn
Our training library is built upon the foundation of new and recurrent aircraft training in weight-shift control trike or fixed-wing airplane light sport aircraft (LSA) through our exclusive learning management system.

Go Beyond Imagining What It Would Be Like
Execute your dreams into material results and become a pilot!

After several emails back and forth, I followed Paul’s advice to enroll in his online “Learn to Fly” course before actually taking my flying lessons.
I wasn’t sure how much his course would help me as I already had passed my written test, but decided to go for it anyway. I am sure glad that I did, as it really “fleshed out” all the technical stuff that I had learned in order to pass my written test but didn’t totally understand everything.
Paul’s method of instruction really helped me understand why and how it all applies to flying. Plus all the hours of videos of Paul actually flying you through each flight lesson, explaining each maneuver as he’s doing it, made it so much easier when I actually did do the flight lessons because I knew what to expect. I’m sure it cut down on the hours of dual instruction needed for me to grasp & retain each phase of the actual flight training.
Even if I hadn’t used Paul as my CFI, his “Learn to Fly” online course would still have given me a huge head start on my actual flight training. I give it a full 5 star rating!!